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The individual pricing depends on the duration, effort, size and detail of the requested tattoo and serves as a general guideline. A more precise price estimate can be made after completion and before the tattoo is inked. The price includes the preliminary discussion, design, tattoo and realization of the tattoo.


Small to medium sized tattoos:

30 minutes are planned on the day of appointment for adapting the design. If this is exceeded, we will be happy to continue tinkering until it fits. An additional charge to the stated hourly rate then applies. ​

Big tattoos:

These are larger concepts that include at least one full day session to several days. A meeting and, if necessary, a design check in advance are required on my part and are included in the price. Any additional design check is possible and will be charged with a fee of € 50. ​

Touch ups:

This is especially necessary for tattoos with fine lines. However, if you care for them as I recommend, they will heal wonderfully. Small irregularities and gaps can arise during the healing process. If these are perceived as bothersome, I offer touch ups for a material price of € 30. ​ ​

Additional design checks for smaller to medium-sized tattoos:

Designs are generally not sent via mail, but if you would like a preliminary view for smaller tattoos, this is of course possible - the additional time required is calculated at a flat rate of € 50.

Session price: 700-750 €

For projects that require multiple sessions, the lower session price will be charged. The costs include preliminary discussion, production of the design, 1-2 design checks and realization of the tattoo. The session usually lasts from 10:00 a.m. to around 4:00 p.m., with a short break in between. Feel free to bring your own snacks and something to drink, we have coffee and tea!

4 | Day Sessions

3 | Medium Size Tattoos

Hourly rate: 100-120 €

This is a general guideline for tattoos that last approximately 2 - 5 hours. Designs in which I am more experienced and can therefore be produced more quickly will be charged with that higher hourly rate. You then practically get more content for less time.

2 | Small Tattoos

Minimum price: 100 €

For very small tattoos and several ideas, it is economically advisable to collect several tattoos for one appointment, as this minimizes the material price and preparation effort and therefore subtracts them from the general costs.

Free and without obligation.

A preliminary meeting is more likely to be necessary for larger projects. If the idea for the tattoo is not yet clear to me from the email, it may not have been completed yet. In this case, I would be happy to offer a consultation.

1 | Preliminary Talk

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