Please send me your request for a new tattoo via email or the contact form
Describe as detailed as possible what art you are thinking of, you can add images via email from tattoos, illustrations or also pictures from my profile
I am not copying the work from other artists, it can serve as a hint and basic guidline.
Size and placement? Please put attached a picture of the bodypart (not cropped – ask a friend to do it if it is tricky to do so by yourself)
Please tell me if a certain budget shouldn‘t be exceeded
Please tell in which of the available cities you want to get tattooed
Please tell at least three dates that are possible for you (no Saturdays possible in Berlin) or weekdays that work best for you
I am currently tattooing at:
Salzburg: Moksha Tattoo Gallery
Berlin: Herr Fuchs und Frau Bär
You can submit your request via the form beside or: